Prof. Anguille, hematologist at UZA, talks about the future of cell therapy

Today, cell therapy is at the forefront of development. Using living cells from a patient or healthy donor as medicine has the potential to improve many patients’ lives. Learn from Prof. Sébastien Anguille, hematologist at the Antwerp University Hospital, how he is successfully using cell therapy to treat patients with blood cancers, such as leukemia. […]
Join anicells @ Advanced Therapies in London

Anicells will attend the ‘Advanced Therapies’ conference on 24 and 25 May in London. We look forward to meeting ATMP players from across the world and partnering with them to bring these innovative therapies to market and to patients faster. Are you looking for a partner to produce your ATMP? Contact us and we’ll meet […]
Anicells produceert CAR-T cellen voor patiënt met lymfeklierkanker

Anicells was op nationale televisie! Aanleiding was een bijzondere prestatie van het anicells team. Als eerste in Vlaanderen produceerden zij CAR-T cellen voor de behandeling van een patiënt met lymfeklierkanker. Deze behandeling, die onderdeel is van een studie, werd uitgevoerd door het team van prof. dr. Sébastien Anguille in het UZA in Antwerpen. Zijn onderzoeksgroep […]
Knowledge for Growth 2022 was a great success

Yesterday the Life Sciences community came together in Ghent at the Knowledge for Growth conference, organized by Our CEO, Nathalie Cools, who moderated the roundtable discussion on innovations in CAR-T manufacturing, thanks the panel members, Thibault Jonckheere (Exothera), Tessa Kerre (UZ Gent), Ief Leroy (VILS), Bie Van de Vloet (Janssen Belgium) and Maarten Zandvliet […]
Join anicells at ‘Knowledge for Growth 2022’

Knowledge for Growth is live again! On May 18 and 19, the biotech community will come together in Ghent and anicells will be there for sure. At the request of, the at.las network is organizing a debate on CAR-T therapies. Nathalie Cools, CEO of anicells and co-founder of at.las, will expertly moderate this debate […]
Anicells stapt De Roze Mars

Oktober is de borstkankermaand. Nog steeds krijgt 1 op 7 vrouwen er ooit mee te maken. Dit aantal moet dalen. Preventie, waaronder beweging, is belangrijk. Wist je dat een gezonde levensstijl 1 op de 3 kankers zou kunnen voorkomen? Daarom organiseert Pink Ribbon van 1 tot 31 oktober de Roze Mars, waarmee ze iedereen aansporen […]
Anicells opens officially

Although anicells has been up and running for a year, Thursday 30/9 was the time to celebrate. Nathalie Cools, CEO and founder of anicells, along with her team, welcomed more than 70 guests to the official opening. During the opening ceremony, Cathy Berx, the governor of Antwerp, Prof Eva Lion from the University Hospital in […]
Anicells in de pers (Knack/Trends)

Regeneratieve geneeskunde, dat als doel heeft om falend weefsel te herstellen, is in een versnelling gekomen. Dat is ook het tijdschrift Knack/Trends niet ontgaan. Zij spraken met Frank Luyten, reumatoloog en directeur van het RegMedXB initiatief en Nathalie Cools, founder en CEO van anicells, over de status van het huidige onderzoek. Ook blikken ze vooruit […]
The anicells team wishes you a fantastic summer!

Lemonade or something stronger? The anicells team wishes you a fantastic summer. In the first half of 2021, we worked hard on several new, innovative, and interesting projects. We continue working during summer but enjoying some vacation is also on everyone’s agenda. Enjoy yours!
Anicells contributes to the fight against Covid-19 as a partner in the Xenothera clinical trial

Although Covid-19 case notification rates have been decreasing for nine weeks now across Europe, the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not yet won. New ICU admissions are still occurring and 20 people per million die every 14 days. XENOTHERA, a Nantes-based biotech company, developed one of the most promising anti-Covid-19 antibodies. This protective anti-SARS-CoV-2 […]